Home Editor's Picks Electoral Act: Gobir salutes PMB’s courage, Statesmanship … Says Buhari has imprinted name

Electoral Act: Gobir salutes PMB’s courage, Statesmanship … Says Buhari has imprinted name

by Editor

Former governorship aspirant under the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Chairman of the Gobir Foundation Organisation, Alh Yakubu Olayiwola Gobir, has saluted President Mohammadu Buhari, PMB, for signing into law, the much awaited Electoral Amendment bill on Friday.

The politician who was a financier of President Buhari’s election in 2019 also stated that the President has deeply etched his name in the hearts of lovers of democracy in the country, Africa and the world.

Explaining this through a personal statement from his office in Ilorin, Alh Gobir said that it took no small amount of courage for the president to put his name to that all important piece of legislation at this point in time.

“He has managed our diverse opinion on participatory democracy well. Mr President has also demonstrated that hand in hand with technological improvements in our system of choosing leaders, there must also be a balance in the need to carry all shades of opinions along in our electoral processes,” he added.

He also stated that the new law, coming at this time when undemocratic forces have threatened and even toppled some democracies in the sub-region, has further reinforced Nigeria and Africa’s commitment to Democracy and the rule of law.

Gobir also thanked the National Assembly for being painstaking in the management of the bill until it became law.

“The synergy between both chambers of the Assembly bespeaks maturity. The cooperation between the legislative and executive arms of government to produce the historic Electoral Amendment Act, again, demonstrates that Nigeria has come of age in the league of leading democratized governments,” he said.

Gobir further urged Nigerians, Kwarans, in particular, that the time for sitting on the fence is over.

He urged people to register to vote so as to enjoy the maximum benefit of the new law.

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