Home News Youths Coalition want Barr. Abubakar as APC National Chairman

Youths Coalition want Barr. Abubakar as APC National Chairman

by Editor

The All Progressive Congress (APC) National Youths Coalition have called on Barr. Mohammed Abubakar to run for sit of National Chairman of the Party.

In a statement obtained by Daily Links and signed by Comrade Stanley Philips, Spokesperson for the Coalition, the group says for such position, the party needs a Chairman who is versatile, truly progressive, professional, and solicitous with sound knowledge of the rule of law, justice and equity and someone who can provide the most visionary leadership for the Party.

This Coalition of APC Youths drawn from the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria states the following: ”we saute the entire APC family and commend the National Caretaker Committee for her reconciliatory efforts and membership drive so far, that have orchestrated a gale of defections into the Party. We extend further invitation to opposition Governors and Stakeholders to join the APC family in order to galvanize greater dividend for their constituencies, states and country in general.

“APC Youths view the current insecurity across the country with grave concern and call on all citizens irrespective of political party affiliation, religious background, culture and ethnicity to join hands with the Government of President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR in surmounting these compelling and existential dangers.

“We solicit more international support for the Nigerian Government to fully reinstate security in the country before 2023, because we need to first have a country, for us to be able to hold elections therein.

After Six months of touring the 36 States of Nigeria and the FCT, we identified (amongst others) the need for a National Chairman that is versatile, truly progressive, professional, and solicitous with sound knowledge of the rule of law, justice and equity, who can provide the most visionary leadership for the Party and support Government to rapidly grow the economy, stamp out corruption and build maximum security.

“After multiple Rounds of intensive assessment of various party stalwarts who had served in different capacities, especially as Legislators and Governors since the party ascended power in 2015, APC Youths identified Barrister Mohammed Abubakar- former Governor of Bauchi State, as possessing very lucid qualities that are befitting of the Party’s National Chairman. We appraised him to have the capacity of building a Stronger, United and Inclusive APC that can seamlessly win Elections, Drive Government Agenda and Ensure Sustainability. To this end, APC Youths across the 36 states of Nigeria and the FCT, hereby call on Barrister Mohammed Abubakar (popularly known as M.A. Abubakar) to kindly offer himself for this service and run for the office of National Chairman of the APC in the forth-coming national convention.

“We express total readiness to work with him, galvanize more support for Government Programs and Agenda, as well as reform the Party and mobilize grass root participation that will gain an estimated 10 Million new youth members for the Party before the 2023 general elections.

This will certainly afford the APC a huge numerical advantage to win the 2023 General Elections across the country. Unanimously we say ‘M.A. Abubakar for APC National Chairman’! And ‘APC National Chairman for M.A. Abubakar’!

Accordingly, we express readiness to commence further engagements with party members and stakeholders across the country to mobilize more supports, preparatory to the Party’s forth-coming National Convention.

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