Home Business Billboards: KWASAA promises level plain ground for political parties

Billboards: KWASAA promises level plain ground for political parties

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The Kwara State Signage and Advertisement Agency(KWASAA) has reiterated its commitment towards creating a level playing ground for all political parties in the forthcoming electioneering campaign to place billboards among others.

Speaking when he featured on a personality Yoruba Radio programme tagged ‘Borokini’ on SBS FM Ilorin, the Director General of the agency, Hon Olorunshola Omotayo, said the agency is operating an open-door policy for all political parties and other stakeholders in signage and outdoor structures industry.

Omotayo also used the medium to appeal to the general public, politicians, among other stakeholders in the state to always have Kwara in mind Irrespective of their political differences.

“We are appealing to our people to always follow due process whenever they want to erect their political billboards or placing their posters, to endeavours to come to our office for professional guidelines and advice for the betterment of the our state.

“They should come, it is not about money but it is all about doing the right thing. We are here for everyone and not for one political party”, he said.

He also sound a warning to defaulters to stop placing posters on government infrastructures which according to him, such attitude is against the billboards and outdoor law anywhere in the world.

He said: “We have board that will can give you to place your posters instead of placing it on electricity poll, round about, some even go to extent of placing posters on the trees among others. This is an eyesore, we will not allow it again in the metropolis”.

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