Home Crime ENetSuD tells Gov Abdulrazaq to prosecute culprits of UBEC grant

ENetSuD tells Gov Abdulrazaq to prosecute culprits of UBEC grant

by Editor

The Elites Network for Sustainable Development (ENetSuD), an anti-corruption Civil Society Organisation, has charged Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq to immediately prosecute ex-Governor AbdulFatah Ahmed’s administration over claims of stealing UBEC grant, if at all his allegation is credible and valid.

ENetSuD Coordinator, Dr Abdullateef Alagbonsi, in a statement signed by it Press Secretary, Saeed Tijjani on Tuesday noted the persistent allegation by Governor AbdulRahman (since 2019) that the past administration stole the UBEC grant is weighty and criminal in nature, and should not end on social media or pages of Newspaper.

The body reminded the Governor that he has the constitutional duty to abolish all corrupt practices and abuse of power in line with section 15 (5) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The statement urged the Governor not to further waste any time over the criminal allegation of embezzlement of public fund, and should immediately direct the Attorney General of the State to prosecute the alleged looters, if truly they committed the alleged stealing of public funds.

ENetSuD added that in order not to see the statement of the Governor as a mere political allegation, the Governor should initiate prosecution against all those (members of the past administration) involved in the alleged stealing of the UBEC grant.

ENetSuD assumed that an incumbent Governor has access to records and books of spending by the past administration, and his declaration that the past administration stole public funds is expectedly guided with fact and empirical evidence that members of the public can rely on.

The body advised that prosecution of the looters in the public interest will serve the public (and taxpayers) better than perpetual allegations in the media without any action to recover such funds, especially now that the alleged looters have no immunity stopping them from being prosecuted.

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