Home Features Hon. Tijanni Ismail: Realities and Constituents’ Desires

Hon. Tijanni Ismail: Realities and Constituents’ Desires

by Editor

By Abdulrasheed Akogun

Within the last 7 days, I’ve twice had to break my self-imposed, restricted public commentary on political activities, as it relates to Kwara State, for personal reasons.

In the first instance, the strategic cum historic positioning of Hon. Muktar Shagaya jolted me out of that resolve. Same is repeating itself with this piece, which coincidentally, was a bye-product of the interaction (triggered by my last piece) I had with a respected figure, who is one of the few easily accessible historical encyclopaedias in Kwara South, especially my Federal Constituency (Ifelodun/Offa/Oyun).

He said, “Kudos, on your scintillating encomium-laced piece. I’ve heard a handful of encouraging reviews about the youngman. However, you’re not Ilorin; write about your Rep, who seems to be a contrast, ” he advised.

Inferentially, he was referring to Hon. Tijanni Ismail, who represents me and the good people of Ifelodun/Offa/Oyun Federal Constituency at the Green Chambers, who incidentally falls within the same age bracket, as the subject of my last write-up.

Baba’s usage of “contrast” invariably draws strength from the age bracket and contrasting public review of both personalities.

That submission, no doubt, is a sad commentary on the capacity and capabilities of young Kwarans, to take the driver’s seat, drive the desired change, towards berthing the Kwara of our dreams, at all levels.

I digress. The concept of entrusting young individuals with leadership positions is not new and has been prevalent throughout history. From ancient times to modern societies, there have been instances where young individuals were given leadership roles either due to circumstances or deliberate choices.

There have been countless instances where young leaders have shown great potential and brought about significant positive changes. For example, Alexander the Great, who became the ruler of Macedonia at the age of 20, went on to create one of the largest empires in history. Similarly, Joan of Arc, who led the French army at the age of 17, played a significant role in the Hundred Years’ War.

On the other hand, there have also been instances where young leaders have struggled to live up to the expectations placed upon them.

Lack of experience and maturity can sometimes hinder effective decision-making and governance. Consequently, young leaders may make mistakes, overlook critical aspects, or lack the necessary skills to navigate complex political landscapes.

Hon. Tijanni Ismail, a relatively unknown new entrant into the Kwara South political consciousness, was entrusted with the onerous task of transforming the Otoge mantra and champion its conversion to the Constituents’ desired deliverables in 2019.

While it is excusable that his relatively young age and political inexperience, among others, might be responsible for his not too inspiring first term performance, same excuses might not be tenable moving forward.

Since his re-election in 2023, Hon. Tijanni Ismail, representing Ifelodun/Offa/Oyun Federal Constituency at the Green chambers of the National Assembly, has not only sustained but upped his demonstrated lack of connection with his constituents.

The absence of periodic interactions, town hall meetings, and stakeholders’ engagements, to proffer opportunities to critique his stewardship in attracting dividends of democracy to his constituency, are glaring to the blind and deafening to the deaf.

One of the key aspects of effective representation is regular engagements with constituents through various channels such as town halls and stakeholders’ meetings, social media, social and cultural functions, among others.

It is disappointing to note that Hon. Tijanni Ismail has failed to prioritize such interactions in the past five years. This absence raises concerns about his commitment to understanding the needs and desires of his constituents, hindering their capacity to provide feedback and hold him accountable for his actions and glaring inactions.

This, thus, calls his capacity to effectively represent those he’s disconnected with. How do you know your constituents’ priorities ? How do you address same by amplifying their thoughts and voices ?

Unlike his colleagues, some of whom left the Green Chambers almost a year ago, yet their Zonal Intervention Projects (ZIP) are still being delivered today, nothing is heard from a supposed ranking member. Like the Yorubas would say ‘Aa gbo pa, aa gbo po’.

Curiously, the Representative’s conspicuous absence throughout the teething stages of Subsidy removal induced hardship and the subsequent skyrocketing prices of goods and services is a further indication of his disconnection from the realities faced by his constituents.

While other parliamentarians in Kwara State demonstrated solidarity with the people by providing palliatives and implementing cushioning interventions, Hon. Tijanni Ismail was AWOL.

It is alarming that Hon. Tijanni Ismail has failed to officially give reports on the stewardship of the Palliative distribution initiative of the Federal Government through the Ministry of Agriculture. The initiative aimed to provide each lawmaker with a minimum of #100m worth of palliatives for distribution to their constituents. His silence on the matter raises questions regarding his commitment to transparency and accountability.

The neglect exhibited by Hon. Tijanni Ismail is particularly disconcerting when compared to his peers, who have successfully attracted noteworthy interventions for their constituents. His failure to emulate their achievements leaves his constituency at a disadvantage, depriving us of crucial opportunities and services that could significantly improve quality of life and facilitate life changing opportunities.

As his colleagues continue to deliver substantial benefits to their constituencies, the people of Ifelodun/Offa/Oyun Federal Constituency are left with nothing but nostalgic feelings for one or two of his predecessors, who, although, was rightly retired by the Otoge tsunami, yet, their adjudged below expectation performance is a far cry from what the present occupier has dished and dishing.

Abdulrasheed Akogun is an Ifelodun born Kwara based journalist. He can be reached via 07036739549

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