Home Editor's Picks Kwara for Kwara urges Kwarans to rescue state from political scavengers

Kwara for Kwara urges Kwarans to rescue state from political scavengers

by Editor

A political group, Kwara for Kwara, has joined millions of well-meaning Nigerians and especially Kwarans in the celebration of the new year 2022 and prayed that the new year brings forth good tidings and fulfilment for all collectively and individually.

This much was contained in a press statement signed by the group’s convener, Alhaji Ishola Kayode (Paschal) and made available to DailyLinks in Ilorin, the state capital.

The statement reads: “As we all celebrate the new year, we join millions of well meaning Nigerians and especially Kwarans, as we pray that the new year bring forth good tidings and fulfillment for us collectively and individually.

“That said, the year 2022 holds the ace to unlocking the socioeconomic and political future of Kwara State in all ramifications, this is the year we all must rise up in unison, regardless of personal interests and primordial sentiments to rescue the State from political scavengers masquerading as messiahs.

“The 2019 elections, which was supposed to herald the Kwara of our dreams, has unexpectedly thrown up daunting challenges in governance, believe system among others.

“There’s no gainsaying the fact that we’ve moved from where we used to be, sadly we’re nothing near where we envisaged, due largely to artificial bumps, courtesy of the Otoge inheritors.Kwara, which used to be a State of peace, is now struggling with several state-threatening challenges like kidnapping, cultism, drug peddling, touting among others.

“The Otoge government has been unable to tackle the aforementioned, it has largely shown securing the lives and properties of Kwarans is secondary to it.

“The government is more interested in window shopping and buying underserved and unmerited endorsement all in the wild-goose chase of a second term, even when it hasn’t justified the mandate freely entrusted and thrown at its laps alacarte in 2019.

“It is on this note, we urge the entirety of Kwarans to please see enrollment for the Permanent Voters Card (PVC), as that is the only weapon that will be used to wrestle power from the plethora of anti-masses politicians masquerading as saviors of the people.”

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