Home News Hijrah organization charges Islamic preachers, Imam on parental responsibilities

Hijrah organization charges Islamic preachers, Imam on parental responsibilities

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An Islamic-based organisation, Hijrah Organization of Nigeria(HON) has charged Islamic preachers and Imams in the country to channel their messages in a way that will appeal to parents towards their parental responsibilities as contained in the Glorious Qur’an and the Sunnah and to understand the punishment
relating to failure for the improper upbringing of children.

The body, with its headquarters in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital made the call in a communique issued after her monthly meeting held in Ilorin.

The communique jointly signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Organization, Professor Yusuf Lanre Badmas and Mallam Imam Abubakar Ayinla respectively, copy made available to this medium, stated that members are worried about the alarming rate of arrest of cyber-criminals in the country and warned that all hands must be on deck to address the menace holistically.

According to the statement, Imams and Islamic scholars should hinge on their appeal to parents concerning their responsibilities that have been jettisoned, and the liking divine curse on them, as stated in the Glorious Qur’an and Hadith about what the parents will face if they failed to do their duties and what they are going to face in the hereafter.

Propelled by the organization’s high concern about the issue, parents are also urged not to abandon their responsibilities in properly bringing up their children, as the rate by which youth are being convicted of cyber crimes is too alarming.

“We are worried about the alarming rate of conviction of ‘yahoo boys’ in the contemporary Nigerian society. We are charging Islamic scholars and Imams all over the country to re-instate the parental responsibilities as contained in the Glorious Qur’an and the Hadith to properly dissect the hiccups any wanting parent will face”, the statement added.

Reaffirming her stance on the possibility of Muslim-Muslim tickets across all strata of governance in the country, the organization also urged them to encourage their followers to register, and collect their Permanent Voters Cards in preparation to vote in the next election for their choice among the Muslims contesting for various positions.

The organization also gave kudos to the Supreme Court judgment, saying that it is over for those who victimized Muslim girls child for adorning herself with the commandment of Allah, warning that attempts by anybody or group to disturb the peace of the country after the verdict will be met with necessary punishment in line with the law of the country.

The organization also appreciated the governor of the state, Mallam Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, on how he handles the affairs of the state, urging him to continue the good work and praying that the next Hijrah celebration will be held amidst his physical presence at the occasion, scheduled to hold at the State Stadium.

While appealing to all Muslims in the state to be law-abiding congratulated them on the new Hijrah 1444AH in advance, praying that, Allah should answer their prayers and continue to keep them together as one.

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