Home Business KWIRS elevates 332 staff, upgrades 235 others … realizes N18.036b IGR in six months

KWIRS elevates 332 staff, upgrades 235 others … realizes N18.036b IGR in six months

by Editor

By Ahmed ‘Lateef

The Kwara State Internal Revenue Service (KWIRS) has elevated 332 members of staff of the service to their next ranks while 235 others have their steps upgraded in the 2021 promotion exercise.

Those promoted include 16 senior and 316 junior staff of the service.

In a statement issued in Ilorin, the Executive Chairman of KWIRS, Shade Omonoyi, said the exercise was in recognition of the contribution of staff to the overall achievement and particularly in the actualization of the 95.61% of the service’s annual budget of 2021.

The statement titled “KWIRS 2021 annual staff appraisal and promotion exercise”, disclosed that the service has recorded for the state N18.036billion Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) collection in the half year of 2022.

It described the significant improvement as a leap from revenue collection of N16billion for half year 2021.

The statement said the feat attests to the effort of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq-led administration in rewarding performance and ensuring conducive work and business environment are in place for all.

The service added that it was resolute in its bid to continuously prioritize staff welfare in all ramifications and develop an extensive training plan for all with focus on relevant areas as it affects operations of the service among others.

The statement read, “The Management of Kwara State Internal Revenue Service (KW-IRS) has concluded its Staff appraisal and promotion exercise for the year 2021. A major outcome of the exercise is the promotion of 332 and step upgrade of 235 members of Staff; the list of beneficiaries shows inclusion of 16 senior Staff and 316 junior Staff of the Service.

“This is in recognition of the contribution of Staff to the overall achievement of the Service and particularly in the actualization of the 95.61% of our annual budget of 2021, a feat that is the highest target hit since the Agency was founded in 2016. The Service has also been able to achieve N18.036billion IGR collection for the State in the half year of 2022, a leap from revenue collection of N16billion for half year 2021.

“This milestone is an attestation to the effort of the AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq-led administration in rewarding performance and ensuring that conducive work and business environment are in place and a Kwara of everyone’s dreams can become a reality.

“As a Service, we are resolute in our bid to continuously prioritize Staff welfare in all ramifications; develop an extensive training plan for all, with focus on relevant areas as it affects our operations, better service delivery, support a work life balance and continuous review and improvement on the appraisal process.

“All members of Staff of the Service are hereby sincerely appreciated for their commitment to making a positive difference and impact on revenue drive for Kwara State.

“Our profound appreciation also goes to all taxpayers and other stakeholders who are strategic to our seamless processes of tax administration in the State, for their unwavering support and contribution towards our bid to generate revenue for the strategic development of Kwara State”.

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