Home Editor's Picks 2023: Don’t allow personal egos affect future of Kwara – K4K

2023: Don’t allow personal egos affect future of Kwara – K4K

by Editor

A sociopolitical movement, Kwara for Kwara (K4K) on Thursday said that its agitation is not about politicians fighting themselves but it is about the Kwara masses whose sociopolitical dignity are at stake and who were deprived of dividends of democracy yesterday and today.

The movement in a press conference held at the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Press Center, Ilorin, noted that while politicians are running around for unholy reconciliation, the plight of the long suffering Kwara masses, who gave their all to the Otoge struggle in anticipation of better days ahead, have been left in the rain, to continue the decades old neglect, insensitive to their plight among others.

According to the press statement read by the movement’s convener, Ishola Abiola Pascal, “of particular concern to us, is the recent meetings of warring APC factions with the National Leader of the Party, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu who purportedly mulled the idea of reconciliation.

“We are then prompted to ask; is Asiwaju just aware of Kwara APC crisis that has lingered for over two (2) years while away in London? Why is the call for reconciliation coming now? In the interest of Kwarans or to satisfy personal political egos come 2023?

“While all these egoistic and megalomaniac shenanigans are going on in the misruling All Progressives Congress, the supposed leading opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party is also busy playing the proverbial hunter’s dog, they’ve refused to learn from the OTOGE reality”, he said

Ishola noted that Asiwaju was never concerned about solving the problem he helped created, until now that elections are approaching. “Is it for him to use Kwara to strengthen his own political chances or in whose interest?

“As much as Asiwaju Tinubu and co are well respected Party leaders, they have only demonstrated that Kwara matters is only of concern to them when they need us for politics.

“Since they have shown no concern about how we have faired with the problem they created for us in the imposed AbdulRazaq because of Asiwaju’s personal relationship with Dr. Alimi, we are convinced anyone from Kwara have no business considering them as options to resolving our problems. They do not have votes in Kwara, hence, shouldn’t be our determinant factors”‘ Ishola added.

The movement said further that it is most instructive to reiterate that against the self-aggrandizing claims in some quarters, the struggle for sociopolitical liberation of Kwara state has been on for ages, regardless of the appendage given the struggle at different points in time.

All that was desired is sociopolitical liberty of Kwarans, which made the struggle more of ideals and not for or against personalities over political dispensations.

According to the movement, “Of grave concern is the growing spate of insecurity, avoidable killings and lack of respect for human lives. Kwara State is now under siege from all angles, with agents and merchants of deaths reigning supreme.

“If cultists aren’t beheading one another, bandits are running rampage on farms, Kidnappers have made all our highways unsafe and even our major towns and villages inhabitable, yet the political elite have all cowardly turned a blind eye”, the movement added.

The Movement, however, said that it will be constituting a statewide consultation team, comprising of experienced, credible and conscientious young, energetic and visionary people, with proven record of integrity, which will be inaugurated to consult widely, dissect the Kwara polity and come up with a workable youth-centric marshal plan, with regards the short and long term political future of the State, which invariably affects all facets of lives of the people of Kwara state.

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