Home News Unprecedented turnaround: Gov AbdulRazaq deserves re-election – SSA Media

Unprecedented turnaround: Gov AbdulRazaq deserves re-election – SSA Media

by Editor

The Senior Special Assistant on Media and Public Relations to the Governor of Kwara State, Hon. Kolo Jerry has said the state had witness unprecedented turnaround and impactful development in less than four years of the present administration of Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq.

He declared that the governor had been able to build a credible runway to Kwara’s greatness by laying a solid foundation for further development of the state and ensuring the general wellbeing of the people.

“Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has successfully built a veritable runway to greatness of Kwara State, in just less than four years of his administration. The unprecedented turnaround witnessed in recent times is quite impressive”, Jerry has said.

He said the governor’s unrelenting commitment and dedication to the service of the state and humanity made him achieved so much for the state, adding that the three years and few months of AbdulRazaq’s government far surpassed the 16 years of the previous administrations in the state as regards development and ensuring the wellbeing of the people.

Jerry who stated this while addressing participants at the ‘SYMBOL OF CHANGE MEDIA ROUNDTABLE’ held in Ilorin, weekend, said in the light of his laudable achievements, Mallam AbdulRazaq therefore deserved a second term in office to enable him consolidate on the achievements already accomplished for the state.

He explained that Mallam AbdulRazaq had successful built a solid foundation and even placed a spring board for the developmental progression of the state for the benefits of the present and future generations.

He said his efforts and commitment towards spreading outstanding developmental projects across the nooks and crannies of the state as well as ensuring the collective wellbeing of the people is highly commendable.

He noted the wonderful turnaround witnessed in all the sectors of the state’s economy, namely, education, agriculture, health, infrastructure, social welfare and investment schemes, is a clear testimony of deliverance of good governance by the AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq Administration.

He said, the governor is not only committed to physical upgrading of the state, but is equally ensuring the wellbeing and welfare of teachers including all categories of civil servants and the entire people of the state.

Jerry said, “you would all recall that on assumption of office Governor AbdulRazaq met the education sector in very bad shape, he saw rots in our school system and he selflessly acted fast to save the future of the state, by ensuring conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning in our various schools across the state, right from primary to secondary and tertiary institutions.

“The administration has embarked on massive renovation of schools and building of new ones in the three senatorial districts of the state. Abundant provision of education materials and facilities were not left out, while teachers are being inspired by capacity building programmes, regular service promotion, improved and regular payment of salary and allowances.

“Talking about infrastructural development, the AbdulRazaq government had made a swift departure from the decadence he met and has been able to bring about an appreciable turnaround.

“The administration has now rehabilitated and constructed several roads prominently spreading across all communities in the state. Water resources, including dams, motorized boreholes and pipe borne water supply are also abound around the entire state as a result of the governor’s goodwill.

“His Excellency, Mallam AbdulRazaq has also improved health care delivery system in the state through renovation of health facilities, provision of ultramodern equipment and recruitment of health personnels to man the various primary and secondary health centres in all parts of the state”.

According to him, the governor has sufficiently improved agricultural sector performance through various interventions and sound support for farmers in the state, while the social investment and intervention schemes of the administration, such as ‘owo Arugbo’, ‘owo Odo’, ‘Owo Isowo’ among other wealth creation and empowerment programmes, has considerably improved the wellbeing of the people, especially youths and women.

The Senior Special Assistant, particularly assured Kwarans that the state will witness unprecedented economic growth, as soon as the legacy projects of the administration is completed, namely, garment factory, innovation hub, art gallery, industrial park and international conference centre among others.

He added the meaningful initiatives will not only generate massive employment for youths and secure a place for the state on world map, but will also scale up the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) base of the state, which will no doubt ensure further development of the state for the benefits of all.

The governor’s aide used the platform to encourage and appealed to the electorate to ensure the victory and re – emergence of Governor AbdulRazaq to ensure consistent, steady and sustainable. development in the state.

He said kwara cannot afford going back to dark days, having secured brighter moment through collective prayers and efforts of the people, driven by Mallam AbdulRazaq leadership.

“For the sake of prosperity, Kwarans should rally support for Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq and ensure the success of his second term bid, he will not disappoint us, he will continue to build on his administration’s masses oriented programmes that are most impactful.

“He is currently building a fast and sustainable runway to kwara greatness, he intends to do more for the state and the people. Please let’s re – elect Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq for a second term,” Hon. Kolo Jerry who is also the Vice Chairman, Advisory Board, SYMBOL OF CHANGE MEDIA ROUNDTABLE urged Kwarans.

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